Sunday, January 25, 2009


Wow, just when I thought spring was close after a day with 45 degree weather, it decides to start snowing again. I am ready to see signs of spring....robins, buds on the trees and flowers.

Just a lazy day Sunday. #1 daughter stayed after church with her boyfriend-the youth group held a "to go" spag. dinner for a fundraiser. The left overs or dinners that were "bought" (to be given away) were taken to Pittsburgh and passed out to the homeless people.

The fund raiser is to help pay for the teens to take a mission trip to Texas and help with Hurricane Ike restoration. (Donations are accepted and are tax deducable.) The whole family is planning on going to help with effort.

#2 daughter was in dire need of a nap, let me tell you! So she also took a nap. Husband is still napping on my new couch.

Thanks to #1 neice, I have been spending alone time with the "Big G" this week and journaling. I have had a real peaceful week and have been able to tolerate my job better as well as other aspects of my life. Thanks #1 neice!!

Hope everyone is feeling Blessed, I know I am!!

Friday, January 16, 2009


WOW! I can't believe we have been in the new house for almost 3 weeks. We have become so settled in that it feel like this has always been home. I thought I would accidentily go to the old place with out thinking, but that hasn't happened.

We are doing little things here and there like securing the dishwasher in tighter(it lost it's screws today), we hung the roman shades and I think we might even hang pictures tomorrow...ahh!

We haven't been able to get the temperture regulated in the living room. The bedrooms are toasty, but that darned living room. I went tonight and bought "As Seen on TV....The SNUGGIE!! Got the last one on the shelves. Wearing it now, actually. It carries a lot of static, so this will keep the family away for fear I will zap them.

I am going to take my snuggie and curl up in my chair with my yarn and crocet hook.


Monday, January 12, 2009

It's Official....

Well, I can officailly say that we are no longer living out of two houses! Yippee, yahoo!! My dear, tired family and I finished moving everything yesterday after church. We even had the boyfriend helping.

We have a everything in the basement and a path down the center. If you don't see what you need right on top, too bad. You will have to wait awhile.

Husband got the computer room somewhat straight-figures he would start in here and not the living room, right? That's okay, at least he was productive.

He starts work tomorrow at H&R block, and I think he is going to start driving truck for a man who has a dumpster buisness. He will be driving a "roll down" truck.

Girls are adjusting fine. In all of this house business, I forgot to order #1 daughters graduation cap and gown and announcements. OOPS! I will get these ordered soon.

Oh well another day has gone....

Saturday, January 3, 2009

And we are STILL moving....

Well, I now have a new bed along with new appliances. Beds were delivered today and are made up and ready for a good night sleep. Appliances got to the house yesterday-dryer is still in the living room waiting to be hooked up.

Husband brought dressers to the new house yesterday too. He even brought the dust with him. I told him that we were staerting fresh, that meant EVERYTHING needed dusted. He hander me the dust rag! :}

If it weren't for my girls and #1 daughters boyfriend, we would not have gotten this far. It sure is easier to move out of state than to move 1 block. Nothing is real organized with us.

This will be my last post until at least Tuesday when the computer/tv/cable guy comes. Until then....


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Is it Friday Yet?

Well, I hope this finds everyone safe this the first day of January!

It has been a long day around to be shortly after midnight after celebrating the new year with my girls. (husband was asleep), got up early, oldest child child had to be to work and I wanted to make sure she got off ok.

Went to new house and painted some more. Actually did the touch up work and the trim. If I see pink and or bright green anytime soon, it WILL be too soon. #1 daughter chose 2 shades of green (I'd say granny smith green) and #2 daughter chose Pepto-Bismol pink. It may calm your stomach, but protect your eyes!

I finally got my new couch. It is "Mocha"- and it is in the middle of the living room floor. We also cleaned out the attic, and let me tell you, we are going to have a humdinger of a yard sale! We still have the basement to do. Let me know if you are in need of anything, cuz I probably have it.

Till tomorrow....

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year

As I face the end of one year and the start of another, I have to give praise and glory to God for never giving up on me or never leaving me stranded without Him to turn to this past year.

He has answered more prayers than I wish to count-including this new house thing. This house will be used for His purposes.

As I start 2009, I don't have resolutions, because they tend to get broken soon after the new year starts. I want to strive to be the best person God wants me to be- I want to be molded more into His image than I already am, I want to spent more time with Him, and I want His radiance to shine through me.

I want to wish all of you who read this a very Happy and joyus New Year, and may you enjoy the peace that only God can bring to you. Share Him with someone who needs a friend.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Blogging Redo

Okay everyone, I said I was new to this. After looking around on this thing, I found the font colors and I have changed the colors so save your eyes. I realize that some eyes reading this are a little older than others.

Hope this is better.